Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Regulating Excess Electrons in Reducible Metal Oxides for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity: A Mini‐Review

ChemPhysChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This review highlights a major advancement in defining the number of excess electrons (NEE) as an activity descriptor for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on reducible metal oxide surfaces, discusses critical experimental evidence supporting this theory, and summarizes recent advances in employing NEE as a guiding principle for developing highly efficient OER catalysts in experiments.


Identifying a universal activity descriptor for metal oxides, akin to the d-band center for transition metals, remains a significant challenge in catalyst design, largely due to the intricate electronic structures of metal oxides. This review highlights a major advancement in formulating the number of excess electrons (NEE) as an activity descriptor for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on reducible metal oxide surfaces. We elaborate on the quantitative relationship between NEE and the adsorption properties of OER intermediates, and unveil the decisive role of the octet rule on the OER performance of these oxides. This insight provides a robust theoretical basis for designing effective OER catalysts. Moreover, we discuss critical experimental evidence supporting this theory and summarize recent advances in employing NEE as a guiding principle for developing highly efficient OER catalysts experimentally.

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