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Recent Advances in the Conversion of Methane to Syngas and Chemicals via Photocatalysis

ChemPhotoChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This review provides an overview on the recent research progress in the photocatalytic methane conversion to syngas and chemicals including photocatalytic reforming, photocatalytic partial oxidation and photocatalytic coupling of methane.


As a primary constituent of natural gas and shale gas, direct conversion of methane has attracted significant attention due to its potential to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Compared with thermal catalysis, photocatalysis has the capacity to transcend thermodynamic constraint and enable the conversion of sustainable solar energy into chemical energy under mild reaction condition, which contributes to optimize the utilization of methane. In this review, we undertake a comparative analysis of various strategies for photocatalytic methane conversion to syngas and chemicals, including photocatalytic reforming of methane, photocatalytic partial oxidation of methane and photocatalytic coupling of methane. The distinct reaction systems with corresponding catalysts and underlying mechanisms are expounded in detail to foster a profound comprehension of solar-driven methane conversion. Finally, the challenges and prospectives in photocatalytic methane conversion are discussed.

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