The selective photocatalytic conversion of guaiacol and phenol using Nb2O5 with different crystal phase under UV-VIS light irradiation in aqueous media was performed. Photoinduced −⋅OH are the main responsible for...
Production of Biomass‐Derived p‐Hydroxybenzamide: Synthesis of p‐Aminophenol and Paracetamol
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
The Cover Feature shows that three steps are key in capturing p-hydroxybenzamide and converting it into paracetamol from a waste stream produced from the ammonia pretreatment of biomass, e.g., poplar trees or oil palm empty fruit bunches. The pretreated biomass is converted into renewably sourced fuels (e.g., isobutanol and sustainable aviation fuel). The p-hydroxybenzamide (yellow bottles) is converted in a continuous process to p-aminophenol (purple bottle), a precursor to paracetamol (red bottle), plastics, ink, and other products. This result is a portfolio of sustainably sourced commodity chemicals that could add value to a biorefinery. More information can be found in the Research Article by S. D. Karlen and co-workers.
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