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Practical organic batteries: Concepts to realize high mass loading with high performance

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The concept summarizes the current dilemmas faced by organic electrode materials in batteries, and analyzes the challenges posed by high mass loading of active materials towards practical applications. Possible solutions are proposed from multiple aspects, including organic electrodes and electrolytes. It is hoped that this concept can promote the commercialization of organic batteries.


Organic electrode materials (OEMs) have been well developed in recent years. However, the practical applications of OEMs have not been paid sufficient attention. The concept here focused on one of the essential aspects for practical applications, i. e., high mass loading of active materials. This paper summarizes the challenges posed by high-mass loading of active materials in organic batteries and discusses the possible solutions in terms of organic electrode materials, conductive additives, electrode structures, and electrolytes or battery systems. We hope this concept can stimulate more attention to practical applications of organic batteries towards industry from lab.

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