Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Pivotal Role of Salicylates in Tuning the Formation and Reactivity of Mn(V)=O's

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Salicylates influencing High valent MnV=O at room temperature: This work provides an alternate path to generate transient reactive MnV=O species under stoichiometric conditions. The studies involved highlight the pivotal role of bound 5-X-salicylate moieties on the MnV=O species exhibiting a significant effect on its electrophilicity. Besides, the employed complexes are potent to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells effectively and are mapped to the oxidative mechanism of action.


An alternative and efficient route has been derived to generate the high valent [Mn(V)=O(m-Cl-salicylate)]+ intermediates with a series of non-heme neutral ligand frameworks at 20 °C. The current method provides an advantage with feasibility in maintaining stoichiometric oxidant ratios along with the crucial variations of the salicylate moieties in tuning the reactivity of Mn(V)=O species. An in-depth analysis of the Hammett studies revealed that the bound 5-X-salicylate (X=Cl, and NO2) drastically alters the corresponding Mn(V)=O's reactivity rates. In contrast, variations in the parent ligand frameworks resulted in consistent ρ values with increased lifetimes depicting the ligand's role in stabilization. Lastly, the complexes have been characterized to promote oxidative stress and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells effectively.

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