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Photoelectrochemical Lithium Extraction from Waste Batteries

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The amount of global hybrid-electric and all electric vehicle has increased dramatically in just five years and reached an all-time high of over 10 million units in 2022. A good deal of waste lithium (Li)-containing batteries from dead vehicles are invaluable unconventional resources with high usage of Li. However, the recycle of Li by green approaches is extremely inefficient and rare from waste batteries, giving rise to severe environmental pollutions and huge squandering of resources. Thus, in this mini review, we briefly summarized a green and promising route-photoelectrochemical (PEC) technology for extracting the Li from the waste lithium-containing batteries. This review first focuses on the critical factors of PEC performance, including light harvesting, charge-carrier dynamics, and surface chemical reactions. Subsequently, the conventional and PEC technologies applying in the area of Li recovery processes are analyzed and discussed in depth, and the potential challenges and future perspective for rational and healthy development of PEC Li extraction are provided positively.

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