Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Our New World

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

You hold in your hands a special issue of Nachrichten aus der Chemie, the monthly magazine for members of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), the German Chemical Society. In this issue we focus on Central Europe, with contributions authored by colleagues from Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia. It is being distributed to the members of the GDCh and the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH) as well as to the members of the chemical societies in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Slovenia and Hungary. It thus reaches almost 40,000 chemists. With this special publication we want to emphasise and celebrate the importance of the relationship between the GDCh and the chemical community in Germany and our counterparts in your countries. As members of ChemPubSoc Europe and through our bilateral lectureships with a number of chemical societies, we already cooperate in many ways with Central European chemical societies, for example on scientific publications. On the personal level, too, there is considerable scientific collaboration and exchanges of scientists and students. But there is always room for more: the chemical societies should act as active partners and as catalysts to step up the

Central Europe Chemistry

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