Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Opportunities and Obstacles in LCTEM Nanoimaging – A Review

Chemistry–Methods, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy (LCTEM) is a great progression in nanostructure imaging, allowing the observation of chemical reactions in real time. LCTEM remains one of the highest achievements in the field of nanostructures imaging. In this review, recent achievements and developments of the LCTEM technique are presented.


Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy (LCTEM) is a great progression in nanostructure imaging, allowing the observation of chemical reactions in real time. It is widely reported, that this technique can be successfully used for analyzing nanoparticles synthesis, diffusion, aggregation and degradation. This gives a completely new insight into nanotechnological research. Normally, samples in TEM must be observed in vacuum, showing only the results of a performed experiment, whereas in situ observations in liquid environment provide information about the dynamics of the processes. LCTEM can show, how orientation of the particles/aggregates, surface roughness or solution flow rate influence the examined reaction. Those data are highly valuable for creating kinetic models of the reactions. There are however still some obstacles in LCTEM. Imaging of nanostructures in liquid environment is problematic since the electron beam reportedly may affect the observed sample. The beam modifies the temperature and pH of the liquid sample, changing the process dynamics. Therefore, its influence needs to be considered during in situ TEM observations. Nevertheless, LCTEM remains one of the highest achievements in the field of nanostructures imaging. In this review, recent achievements and developments of the LCTEM technique are presented.

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