Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


One‐pot Reactions in Different Sites: A New Approach in Hydroformylation‐based Processes

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

One-pot synthetic procedures allow multiple chemical transformations circumventing the isolation of intermediates and thus saving time, energy and feedstocks. Within the scope of one-pot processes, cascade, domino, or tandem procedures are even more efficient, as multiple reactions can occur in parallel. Hydroformylation is an industrially relevant reaction particularly suitable for this kind of methodology, as the primary products (aldehydes) are usually converted into compounds containing other functionalities. In addition to examples of transformations of the substrate before the hydroformylation step or the transformation of the aldehyde into other functionalities, we highlight a novel approach, in which an additional functionalization takes place in a remote site of the substrate molecule, along with the hydroformylation of the carbon-carbon double bond.

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