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Nanomaterials‐Based Targeting of Long Non‐Coding RNAs in Cancer: A Cutting‐Edge Review of Current Trends

ChemMedChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Researchers have targeted lncRNAs via iRNAs, ASOs and CRISPR-based gene editing, considering the role they play in the development and metastasis of cancer. Different nanocarriers have been used to deliver these anti-lncRNA agents, such as polymeric, liposomal, exosomes, and microbubbles. Through this strategy, metastasis and cancer development are reduced via increased efficiency. Nanotherapeutic strategies targeting lncRNAs offer a promising and emerging approach to cancer therapeutics.


This review article spotlights the burgeoning potential of using nanotherapeutic strategies to target long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in cancer cells. This updated discourse underlines the prominent role of lncRNAs in instigating cancer, facilitating its progression, and metastasis, validating lncRNAs′ potential for being effective diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. The manuscript offers an in-depth examination of different strategies presently employed to modulate lncRNA expression and function for therapeutic purposes. Among these strategies, Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASOs), RNA interference (RNAi) technologies, and the innovative clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based gene editing tools garner noteworthy mention. A significant section of the review is dedicated to nanocarriers and their crucial role in drug delivery. These nanocarriers′ efficiency in targeting lncRNAs in varied types of cancers is elaborated upon, validating the importance of targeted therapy. The manuscript culminates by reaffirming the promising prospects of targeting lncRNAs to enhance the accuracy of cancer diagnosis and improve treatment efficacy. Consequently, new paths are opened to more research and innovation in employing nanotherapeutic approaches against lncRNAs in cancer cells. Thus, this comprehensive manuscript serves as a valuable resource that underscores the vital role of lncRNAs and the various nano-strategies for targeting them in cancer treatment. Future research should also focus on unraveling the complex regulatory networks involving lncRNAs and identifying fundamental functional interactions to refine therapeutic strategies targeting lncRNAs in cancer.

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