Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Nano Metal–Organic Frameworks as Advanced Electrode Materials in Electrochemical Energy Storage

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

A review based on the recent progress about Prof. Pang of nano MOFs as advanced electrochemical energy storage materials. The advantages and disadvantages of different nano materials for electrochemical energy storage devices are concluded. Optimization strategies to improve electrochemical performance for energy storage are summarized.


Nano metal–organic frameworks as an attractive new class of porous materials, are synthesized via metal ions and organic ligands. With their desirable properties of abundant pores, high specific surface areas, fully exposed active sites and controllable structures, nano MOFs are acknowledged to be one of the most vital materials in electrochemical energy storages. However, in their practical applications, nano MOFs are still confronted with various difficulties and challenges because of their low conductivity, poor stability, and other disadvantages. The selection and development of MOF composites, MOF–derived materials and modified MOFs might be beneficial to use as better electrode materials to greatly improve the electrochemical properties of energy storage devices. This paper mainly focuses on the recent developments of nano MOFs as prospective materials in electrochemical energy storage applications, including lithium–ion batteries (LIB), lithium–sulfur batteries (LSB), zinc–ion batteries (ZIB), and supercapacitors (SCs). Finally, the challenges faced by these kinds of energy storage devices are proposed, along with the current directions and prospect.

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