A shape-editable transparent wood with luminescent BODIPY is applied to smart decoration materials.
Transparent wood (TW) combining unique anisotropic structure has broad application prospects in the field of advan...
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Photoredox-catalysis was synergistically merged with nickel-catalysis for the synthesis of biologically important 3-benzyl indoles with good functional group tolerance. The merit of this methodology is demonstrated by the synthesis of amino acid derived substrates.
Late-stage functionalization of indoles can be a valuable strategy for modifying different existing indolyl-drugs and natural products to get their new analogues. In this study, we report the photoredox-metal catalyzed decarboxylative arylation strategy of indole-3-acetic acids with aryl halides. Here, photoredox-catalysis was synergistically merged with nickel-catalysis for the synthesis of biologically important 3-benzyl indoles with good functional group tolerance. The merit of this methodology is demonstrated by the synthesis of amino acid derived substrates 3 p, 3 v and 3 x.
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