Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Letter from the Editors

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Starting Into a New Year– Emerging Challenges and Sustainability Issues for the Chemical Industry

The year 2024 starts with ecosystems and sustainability challenges in different continents, like alarming forest fires around the globe, our world is facing various problems that derive from global trends such as demographic changes, increasing globalization, scarcity of energy and resource. In light of these pressing concerns, the upcoming issue will delve into the intersection of corporate environmental strategies, defossilization efforts, and sustainable practices, aiming to ignite discussions that propel us towards a more environmentally conscious and resilient business landscape.

The Journal of Business Chemistry remains steadfast in its mission to be the premier platform at the intersection of management and chemistry, biotechnology, or pharmacy. We will persist in fostering a dynamic dialogue between science and business, supporting management practices and sustainability topics in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, and guiding the way for further research.

In line with our aim and scope, we are thrilled to present a lineup of insightful articles and papers addressing these topics. The first issue of this year starts with the research paper „Structural analysis of petrochemical clusters in Germany: What can be learned for the transformation towards climate-neutrality?“, by the authors Alexander Scholz, Svenja Theisen, Clemens Schneider and Ylva Kloo. Their investigation reveals challenges and opportunities for transitioning towards climate-neutrality. With a focus on feedstocks, energy supply, product portfolios, and process integration, the paper provides unique insights into the complexities of developing tailored defossilization strategies for each cluster.

In the enlightening article by Fabiola Schneider, “A catalyst for change? How sustainable finance can support the transition of the chemical industry”, addresses the chemical sector‘s impact on manufacturing supply chains and its potential as a key driver for emission reductions, particularly in Scope 3 emissions. She explores how innovative sustainable finance instruments can play a crucial role in providing credible signals for transition plans, emphasizing the need to address greenwashing concerns as the market for sustainable debt matures.

Finally, in the article „How to Enable the Transition From Fossil to Renewable Carbon in the Chemical and Material Sector“ by Michael Carus and Christopher vom Berg, they delve into the collaborative efforts of international brands, leading chemical and bioeconomy companies, and innovative start-ups. Their focus is on guiding a smart transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon, highlighting the pivotal role of cooperation in this transformative journey.

As we embark on this journey forward, we invite you to join us in exploring these thought-provoking contributions and engaging in the discourse on these challenges and topics that define the Journal of Business Chemistry.

Please enjoy reading the first issue of this year, we are grateful for the support of all authors and reviewers for this enlightening issue. If you have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at for more updates and insights on management issues in the chemical industry, follow us on LinkedIn: and subscribe to our newsletter.


Wishing you all a successful and inspiring year ahead!


Andrea Kanzler, (Executive Editor)

The post Letter from the Editors appeared first on Business Chemistry.

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