Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


In Situ Fabrication of SnO2 Nanowalls for Robust Acetylene Sensing at Low Temperature

ChemPhysChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This study uses a simple solvothermal method to directly prepare ultrathin SnO2 nanowalls on Ag-Pd substrates. The SnO2 nanowalls exhibit excellent sensing properties for acetylene. This is due to the hollow structure constructed by the arrangement of nanowalls, which not only provide sufficient gas diffusion paths, but also provide enough reaction sites in the gas sensing process.


Acetylene (C2H2) monitoring in real time and online is essential for erasing transformer risks and guaranteeing normal equipment operation and operator safety. This study examines the direct fabrication of ultrathin SnO2 nanowalls on Ag−Pd substrates using a simple solvothermal method that doesn′t demand the use of any additional motivators or templates. The thickness and shape of the nanowalls can be controlled by varying the cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) concentration in the solvent. As observed, the gas sensor (SnO2-3) fabricated by 2.4 g CTAB exhibits superior gas-sensing features. This is primarily due to the hollow structure constructed by the arrangement of nanowalls, which delivers not only enough gas diffusion pathways but also enough reaction sites during the gas sensing processes. The findings suggest that low-cost SnO2 nanowalls created using a straightforward procedure could be taken into consideration as prospective candidates for use in industrial C2H2 sensing applications.

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