Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Harnessing the Potential of Zn Powder Anodes: Innovations and Future Directions in Aqueous Zinc‐Ion Batteries

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

In this paper, the research progress of Zn powder anodes for aqueous zinc ion batteries is reviewed, and the limitations of Zn powder anodes are analyzed systematically. Finally, the prospects and suggestions for designing Zn powder anodes with high utilization rate and long cycle life are put forward.


The pursuit of alternative anode materials featuring inexpensive, efficient, and adaptable is shaping the future of rechargeable zinc-ion batteries. The Zn powder anodes stand out among contenders due to their cost-effectiveness, exceptional processability, and adjustability. However, their widespread use is hampered by significant challenges, including volume expansion and dendrite growth. To counter these issues, a gamut of optimization strategies for Zn powder anodes has been explored and developed. This review systematically encapsulates these research findings, offering a comprehensive understanding of various enhancement methods, such as three-dimensional printing, in-situ surface engineering, scalable electrostatic self-assembly, and epoxy oligomer binding. These methodologies are discussed in detail in the context of their unique synthesis methods and underlying mechanisms. The paper concludes by outlining prospective research trajectories aimed at further optimizing the use of Zn powder anodes in aqueous zinc-ion batteries, thereby illuminating potential avenues for future exploration and development.

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