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Graphitic Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots (g‐C3N4 QDs): From Chemistry to Applications

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Graphitic carbon nitride Quantum dots (g-C3N4 QDs) are one of the youthful icons of the carbon family. Since their emergence in 2014, they are regarded as interesting nominees to further complement carbon-based QDs in functional materials’ applications. This critical review summarizes the recent progress of g-C3N4 QDs’ synthesis approaches and their direct application in optoelectronics, sensing, biomedical, and photocatalysis.


Since their emergence in 2014, graphitic carbon nitride quantum dots (g-C3N4 QDs) have attracted much interest from the scientific community due to their distinctive physicochemical features, including structural, morphological, electrochemical, and optoelectronic properties. Owing to their desirable characteristics, such as non-zero band gap, ability to be chemically functionalized or doped, possessing tunable properties, outstanding dispersibility in different media, and biocompatibility, g-C3N4 QDs have shown promise for photocatalysis, energy devices, sensing, bioimaging, solar cells, optoelectronics, among other applications. As these fields are rapidly evolving, it is very strenuous to pinpoint the emerging challenges of the g-C3N4 QDs development and application during the last decade, mainly due to the lack of critical reviews of the innovations in the g-C3N4 QDs synthesis pathways and domains of application. Herein, an extensive survey is conducted on the g-C3N4 QDs synthesis, characterization, and applications. Scenarios for the future development of g-C3N4 QDs and their potential applications are highlighted and discussed in detail. The provided critical section suggests a myriad of opportunities for g-C3N4 QDs, especially for their synthesis and functionalization, where a combination of eco-friendly/single step synthesis and chemical modification may be used to prepare g-C3N4 QDs with, for example, enhanced photoluminescence and production yields.

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