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Gallium Hydride‐Catalyzed Selective Hydroboration of Unsaturated Organic Substrates

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The first examples of tetrasubstituted conjugated bis-guanidinate (CBG) supported monomeric and thermally stable gallium dihalides [LGaX2], (X= Cl (Ga-Cl), I (Ga-I)) and dihydride (Ga-H) [LGaH2] (where L = {(ArHN)(ArN)-C=N-C=(NAr)(NHAr)}; Ar = 2,6-Et2-C6H3) compounds are reported. The reaction of in situ generated LLi with 1.0 equiv. GaX3 (X= Cl, I) afforded compounds Ga-Cl and Ga-I. The reaction between Ga-Cl and Li[HBEt3] in benzene yielded the dihydride compound Ga-H. All reported compounds (Ga-Cl, Ga-I, and Ga-H) were characterized by NMR, HRMS, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Ga-H was probed for the hydroboration of carbodiimides (CDI), isocyanates, and isothiocyanates with HBpin. Compound Ga-H was also found effective for the catalytic hydroboration of imines, nitriles, alkynes, esters, and formates, affording the corresponding products in quantitative yields. Stoichiometric reactions with a CDI were performed to establish the catalytic cycle.

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