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European Energy Conference: International forum for industry and academy

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, September 2012, Seite 944, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The 2nd European Energy Conference (E2C) took place in Maastricht, The Netherlands, from 17 to 20 April. It was organised by the European Science Foundation, the European Materials Research Society and the European Physical Society, under the patronage of Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy. About 400 participants from all over the world attended the conference with 40 invited and keynote lectures. The format included plenary morning sessions and afternoon technical symposia on system aspects and sustainability, sciences for energy, primary energy conversion, energy networks and storage and efficient end use of energy.

This biennial conference series is a unique international forum for discussion between academic and industrial scientists working in the areas of chemistry, physics, engineering and biology, also providing opportunities to explore political, economic, social and environmental aspects. Plenary lecturers covered topics as diverse as artificial photosynthesis, innovative automotive solutions, materials for energy production and storage, sustainable cities, with a flavor of international geopolitics as illustrated by Javier Solana.

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