Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Electrochemical interference study of manganese and iron by multiplex method and the application for manganese analysis in drinking water

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Graphical Abstract: We developed multiplex pattern recognition to determine Mn2+ in water systems using multiple electrodes and chronoamperometry. The proof-of-concept study illustrated how patterns could be generated and compared with a pattern library to help measure Mn2+ in the presence of Fe2+. The method can be further expanded to create sophisticated library for dealing with complicated sample matrix in the future.


Manganese is an emerging concern in drinking water, due to its potential health and aesthetic effects. Although accurate and sensitive, spectroscopic techniques for Mn2+ detection are costly and not capable of rapid detection. Electrochemical methods, such as cathodic stripping voltammetry, have been intensively explored as portable low-cost methods for Mn2+ detection. Challenges of reliability and matrix interference are difficult to overcome with current electrochemical methods. Among the interference reagents, Fe2+ is one of the biggest challenges for Mn2+ detection. Herein, a new method based on multiplex chronoamperometry at potentials between 0.9 and 1.4 V by a multichannel potentiostat is explored for its ability for interference resistance and applicability for Mn2+ detection in real drinking water samples. Compared to conventional one-channel electrochemical techniques, the multiplex method generates a reliable pattern that is unique to the sample components. The interference between Mn2+ and Fe2+ is investigated and the results are promising even at 100:1 Fe2+:Mn2+ concentrations. The detection limit determined for the multiplex method was 25.3 μM, and the optimum recovery rate in a real drinking water sample was 99.8%.

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