Muonium (Mu = µ+e–) is composed of a muon of light isotope of proton (µ+) and electron (e–) and can be used as a light surrogate for a hydrogen atom. In this paper, we investigated addition of muonium to a newly synthesized Mes*-substituted thiofo...
Elastin‐like Peptide as a Model for Disordered Proteins: Diffusion Behaviour in Self‐Crowding Conditions
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Despite the current high interest, there is limited information on diffusion data for intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). This study investigates the effect of crowding on the diffusion behaviour of an elastin-like peptide (ELP), by combined pulse field gradient (PFG) and static field gradient (SFG) NMR techniques. We interpret our findings in terms of highly dynamic chain assemblies with weak interactions, resulting in ELP diffusion that is primarily governed by the viscous flow of the solvent. The diffusion behaviour of the peptide appears to resemble that of globular proteins rather than flexible linear polymers over a wide concentration range.
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