Flexible electronics have received considerable attention in the past decades due to their promising application in rollable display screens, wearable devices, implantable devices, and others electronic applications. In particular, conjugated poly...
Effect of Gas Composition on Temperature and CO2 Conversion in a Gliding Arc Plasmatron reactor: Insights for Post‐plasma Catalysis from Experiments and Computation
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Plasma-based CO2 conversion has attracted increasing interest. However, to understand the impact of plasma operation on post-plasma processes, we studied the effect of adding N2, N2/CH4 and N2/CH4/H2O to a CO2 gliding arc plasmatron (GAP) to obtain valuable insights into their impact on exhaust stream composition and temperature, which will serve as feed gas and heat for post-plasma catalysis (PPC). Adding N2 improves the CO2 conversion from 4% to 13%, and CH4 addition further promotes it to 44%, and even to 61% at lower gas flow rate (6 L/min), allowing a higher yield of CO and hydrogen for PPC. The addition of H2O, however, reduces the CO2 conversion from 55% to 22%, but it also lowers the energy cost, from 5.8 to 3 kJ/L. Regarding the temperature at 4.9 cm post-plasma, N2 addition increases the temperature, while the CO2/CH4 ratio has no significant effect on temperature. We also calculated the temperature distribution with computational fluid dynamics simulations. The obtained temperature profiles (both experimental and calculated) show a decreasing trend with distance to the exhaust and provide insights in where to position a PPC bed.
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