Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Effect of DBD Plasma Treatment on Activity of Mo‐Based Sulfur‐Resistant Methanation Catalyst

ChemPhysChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The Mo-based sulfur-resistant methanation catalyst is prepared by DBD plasma fluidized bed. Compared with the catalyst prepared by traditional calcination method, this catalyst exhibits superior activity. Because DBD plasma treatment method prevents high-temperature agglomeration during the calcination process, it allows the catalyst to be smaller in size and have more unsaturated active sites.


By combining the advantages of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) low temperature plasma and fluidized bed, the effect of plasma on the performance of supported Mo-based catalyst was studied in this paper. The performance of the catalyst obtained by plasma treatment, calcined, plasma+calcined was compared, and the appropriate catalyst preparation scheme was explored. Comparing with the three catalysts, it was concluded that the catalyst average conversion after 30 W plasma treatment is 33.40 %, which was 8.94 % and 12.75 % higher than the other two, respectively. The structure and properties of the catalyst were characterized by N2-Physisorption, H2-chemisorption, XRD, TEM, XPS, Raman and NO-pulse adsorption. Then, by analyzing the characterization results, it can be seen that plasma can make the catalyst have a higher specific surface area and a more dispersed active metal with smaller grain size. Through the surface species identification characterization, it was found that plasma can produce more defective structures and expose more active sites, which is the main reason for the difference in conversion.

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