Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Dry Recycling of Lithium‐Containing Material by Forced Tribocharging and Electrostatic Separation

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Forced dry triboelectric charging and electrostatic separation of powdered materials was investigated, focusing on the charging behavior of lithium aluminate and talcum. Successful lithium enrichment from the talcum-lithium aluminate mixture points out the applicability of the method.


Lithium-containing components in batteries, electronics, and renewable energy pose material and waste challenges. Ongoing research focuses on eco-friendly recycling, emphasizing electrostatic separation as a method to recover, for instance, lithium, especially in battery recycling. This study investigates forced dry triboelectric charging and electrostatic separation of powdered materials, with a focus on the charging behavior of lithium aluminate and talcum. The electrostatic separation efficiency for a blend of powders is also evaluated. Collected samples are analyzed via inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry testing to assess component enrichment. Results show successful lithium enrichment from a talcum-lithium aluminate mixture, highlighting significant separation success.

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