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Development of a Thermodynamically Favorable Multi‐enzyme Cascade Reaction for Efficient Sustainable Production of ω‐Amino Fatty Acids and α,ω‐Diamines

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Two thermodynamically favorable multi-enzyme cascade (Module 1 and Module 2) were constructed for synthesis of important nylon monomers, ω-AFAs and α,ω-DMs from cheap and readily available bio-based α,ω-DAs, with the higest titers of 11.2–19.7 mM. The titers of 1,9-nonanediamine,1,8-octanediamine, 1,7-heptanediamine and 1,6-HMD were improved by 328-fold, 1740-fold, 87-fold and 3.8-fold compared to previous work.


Aliphatic ω-amino fatty acids (ω-AFAs) and α,ω-diamines (α,ω-DMs) are essential monomers for the production of nylons. Development of a sustainable biosynthesis route for ω-AFAs and α,ω-DMs is crucial in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. Herein, we constructed an unprecedented thermodynamically favorable multi-enzyme cascade (TherFavMEC) for the efficient sustainable biosynthesis of ω-AFAs and α,ω-DMs from cheap α,ω-dicarboxylic acids (α,ω-DAs). This TherFavMEC was developed by incorporating bioretrosynthesis analysis tools, reaction Gibbs free energy calculations, thermodynamic equilibrium shift strategies and cofactor (NADPH&ATP) regeneration systems. The molar yield of 6-aminohexanoic acid (6-ACA) from adipic acid (AA) was 92.3 %, while the molar yield from 6-ACA to 1,6-hexanediamine (1,6-HMD) was 96.1 %, which were significantly higher than those of previously reported routes. Furthermore, the biosynthesis of ω-AFAs and α,ω-DMs from 20.0 mM α,ω-DAs (C6-C9) was also performed, giving 11.2 mM 1,6-HMD (56.0 % yield), 14.8 mM 1,7-heptanediamine (74.0 % yield), 17.4 mM 1,8-octanediamine (87.0 % yield), and 19.7 mM 1,9-nonanediamine (98.5 % yield), respectively. The titers of 1,9-nonanediamine, 1,8-octanediamine, 1,7-heptanediamine and 1,6-HMD were improved by 328-fold, 1740-fold, 87-fold and 3.8-fold compared to previous work. Therefore, this work holds great potential for the bioproduction of ω-AFAs and α,ω-DMs.

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