Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Design and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Frustrated Lewis Pairs for Hydrogenation: From Molecular Immobilization to Defects Engineering

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Heterogeneous Frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs) evoke multi-crossed disciplines research interesting due to its green recylability and facile designability. This review highlights recent contributions in the research direction of heterogeneous FLPs and systematically discusses the new strategies to design and synthesize heterogeneous FLPs for hydrogenation reaction and the corresponding reaction mechanism in detail.


The concept of “Frustrated Lewis pairs” (FLPs), which emerged from the discovery that H2 can be reversibly activated by combinations of sterically encumbered Lewis acids and bases. Since then, the field of FLP chemistry has expanded enormously. One of the most remarkable achievements is the development of FLP catalysts for hydrogenation, which are environmentally friendly and have potential industrial application prospects. In recent years, this unique catalysis concept has pushed the study of FLP chemistry to a new direction: heterogeneous FLP catalysts. This review outlines the recent research progress of new strategies to design and synthesize heterogeneous FLPs for hydrogenation reaction, and prospects the development of novel heterogeneous FLP catalysts.

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