Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


CZTS (Cu2ZnSnS4)‐based Nanomaterials in Photocatalytic and Hydrogen Production Applications: A Recent Progress towards Sustainable Environment

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The illustrative description for the synthesis method of CZTS and their distinctive morphological effects are explained in this review. The potential scope of CZTS utilization in wastewater-cleaning through photocatalytic dye-degradation is thoroughly narrated. A comparative analysis of CZTS nanocomposites is provided to indicate its future prospective as a promising material for hydrogen evolution, thus motivating researchers to investigate in this new direction.


A variety of unique compounds have been examined to accommodate the current demand for useful multi-functional nanomaterials, copper-based quaternary CZTS semiconductors are one of them. Due to their special characteristic features like non-toxicity, cheap, and abundance, they have been recommended in recent literature for various applications. Apart from individual CZTS, different hetero-structures have also been prepared with different compounds which is well discussed and elaborated in this article. Additionally, their preparation methods, properties, and application viability have also been discussed comprehensively. The application of CZTS such as photocatalytic dye degradation and hydrogen evolution reaction has been elaborated on in this article identifying their benefits and challenges to give readers a thorough visualization. Apart from that, challenges reported in studies, a few approaches are also mentioned to possibly counter them.

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