Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Cellular Applications of DNP Solid‐State NMR – State of the Art and a Look to the Future

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Sensitivity enhanced dynamic nuclear polarization solid-state NMR has opened the door to probing the structures of protein in situ at atomic resolution. Here we discuss the methodologies’ state of the art, current bottlenecks, and present possible solutions to the latter ranging from application of novel biochemical approaches to purely spectroscopic considerations.


Sensitivity enhanced dynamic nuclear polarization solid-state NMR is emerging as a powerful technique for probing the structural properties of conformationally homogenous and heterogenous biomolecular species irrespective of size at atomic resolution within their native environments. Herein we detail advancements that have made acquiring such data, specifically within the confines of intact bacterial and eukaryotic cell a reality and further discuss the type of structural information that can presently be garnered by the technique's exploitation. Subsequently, we discuss bottlenecks that have thus far curbed cellular DNP-ssNMR's broader adoption namely due a lack of sensitivity and spectral resolution. We also explore possible solutions ranging from utilization of new pulse sequences, design of better performing polarizing agents, and application of additional biochemical/ cell biological methodologies.

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