Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Catalytic conversion of polysulfides by atomic layer deposition derived titanium nitride for high‐performance lithium‐sulfur batteries

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt


Lithium-Sulfur (Li-S) batteries as the next-generation battery system have an ultrahigh theoretical energy density. However, the limited conversion of polysulfides in sulfur cathodes deteriorates the performance of Li-S batteries. In this study, we develop a novel titanium nitride (TiN) catalyst for sulfur cathodes via atomic layer deposition (ALD). The synthesized ALD-TiN catalyst shows controllable ultrafine particle size (<2 nm) and uniform distribution at the nanoscale in the carbon matrix. Combined with electrochemical analysis and multiple post-characterization techniques, ALD-TiN demonstrates an excellent catalytic effect to facilitate the nucleation and deposition of Li2S, which effectively suppresses the dissolution and shuttle of polysulfides. The as-prepared sulfur cathodes, with the assistance of TiN catalyst, exhibit excellent cycling performance at a high rate (4 C) and deliver 200% higher discharge capacity than the pristine Sulfur-pristine porous carbon composite cathodes.

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