Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Catalysis of indium ion electroreduction in the presence of acetazolamide in chlorates(VII) solutions with varied water activity

ChemPhysChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The effects of the presence o the acetazolamide and changes water activity on the mechanism and kinetics of the In(III) ion electroreduction process in 1–8 mol ⋅ dm−3 chlorate(VII) are observed. The dehydration step of indium ions and the presence of In-ACT active complexes („cap-pair” effect) are included in the multi-step mechanism of the electroreduction proces.


The influence of acetazolamide (ACT) on the kinetics and the mechanism of electroreduction of In(III) ions as a function of changes of the water activity was investigated using electrochemical methods (DC, SWV, CV and EIS, CV). The multi-step mechanism of the electroreduction process should take into account the dehydration step of indium ions and the presence of In-ACT (,,cap-pair” effect) active complexes, mediating electron transfer, located in the adsorption layer. Differences in the electrode mechanism in the presence of ACT were observed for higher chlorates(VII) concentrations (above 4 mol ⋅ dm−3 chlorates(VII)) reflected by a lack of step wise nature of the electrode process. The highest catalytic activity was observed in 4 mol ⋅ dm−3 chlorates(VII).

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