Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Avoiding Oxygen Removal for Photochemical Reactions – towards Water as the Solvent

ChemPhotoChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

By encapsulating photosensitizers and reactants in tailored supramolecular assemblies, preservation of photoreactivity even in the presence of molecular oxygen can be observed. The focus of this concept article has been dedicated to aqueous solutions of supramolecular assemblies as potential reaction media as they present an underdeveloped and attractive solution for photochemical reaction development.


Oxygen removing protocols have long been the standard approach to perform photoreactions. By encapsulating photosensitizers and reactants in tailored supramolecular assemblies, preservation of photoreactivity even in the presence of molecular oxygen can be observed. Herein, we showcase some of the solutions that could render time-consuming oxygen removal redundant in photochemical synthesis. A focus has been dedicated to aqueous solutions of supramolecular assemblies as potential reaction media. They present an attractive solution possibly useful not only for synthetic photochemical transformations, but also for water purification, bio-applications or biocatalysis. The included media are membranes, hydrogels, deep eutectic solvents and peptide assemblies.

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