The ISRIB (eIF2B activator) is widely recognized for its excellence in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the structure–activity relationship of ISRIB is not clear. Here, we identify two classes of structurally novel eIF2B acti...
Auto‐Cleaving Bond for Better Drugs
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
While bond formation has historically been the mainstay of medicinal chemistry, the phenomenon of bond cleavage has received less focus. However, the success of numerous oral medications demonstrates the importance of controlled cleavage in prodrugs to achieve desired therapeutic outcomes. Nevertheless, effective strategies to control this cleavage remain limited. This concept article introduces a novel approach: employing peptides as conjugates to drugs to modulate the hydrolysis of these conjugates and enhance drug efficacy. The article begins by briefly outlining common prodrug strategies, followed by a few representative examples of how peptides can be leveraged to control the autohydrolysis of peptide-conjugated prodrugs for bacterial and cancer cell inhibition. Finally, it provides a brief outlook on the future potential of this promising new research direction in molecular medicine.
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