Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Atropisomeric N‐Heterocyclic Carbene‐Palladium(II) Complexes: Influence of the Backbone Substitution

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The influence of the NHC backbone substitution was investigated for palladium-NHC complexes containing axial chirality. The two new series of atropisomeric Pd(NHC) complexes enabled the introduction of bulky moieties as ortho substituents of N-aryl groups. After resolution by chiral HPLC at preparative scale, enantiopure complexes successfully catalyzed the α-arylation of amides (up 96 % ee).


In order to facilitate the synthesis of NHC precursors as well as to incorporate new moieties, the influence of the NHC backbone substitution was investigated within the concept of atropisomeric NHC-metal complexes. A series of NHC precursors was prepared from new anilines and used to synthesize the corresponding Pd(allyl)Cl(NHC) complexes, most of the time as a mixture of diastereomers (meso and chiral). Chiral HPLC at preparative scale enabled to obtain enantiopure complexes in low to excellent yields. These complexes displayed good activity in the intramolecular α-arylation of amides and, as a function of the structure of the chiral catalyst, excellent enantioselectivities were reached (up to 96 % ee).

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