Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


An Overview and Future Perspectives of Rechargeable Flexible Zn‐air Batteries

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Environmental friendliness and low-cost zinc-air batteries for flexible rechargeable applications have great potential in the field of flexible electronics and smart wearables owing to high energy density and long service life. However, the current technology of flexible rechargeable zinc-air batteries to meet the commercialization needs still facing enormous challenges due to the poor adaptability of each flexible component of the zinc-air batteries. This review focused on the latest progress over the past 5 years in designing and fabricating flexible self-standing air electrodes, flexible electrolytes and zinc electrodes of flexible Zn-air batteries, meanwhile the basic working principle of each component of flexible rechargeable zinc-air batteries and battery structures optimization are also described. Finally, challenges and prospects for the future development of flexible rechargeable zinc-air batteries are discussed. This work is intended to provide insights and general guidance for future exploration of the design and fabrication on high-performance flexible rechargeable zinc-air batteries.

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