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Additive Manufacturing of Metal Load‐Bearing Implants 1: Geometric Accuracy and Mechanical Challenges

Chemie Ingenieur Technik, März 2024, S. 486-501, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Additive manufacturing makes it possible to produce sustainable and personalized metal implants with intricate designs. Stringent geometry requirements, materials' constraints and mechanical challenges, question the broader adoption of additive manufacturing over traditional manufacturing: the issue is herein addressed.


Additive manufacturing (AM) of load-bearing metal implants allows sustainable production of personalized implants with complex shapes and inner architectures. Implants must meet strict requirements to not harm patients, and production technique must certify their performance. Available materials, many production parameters and implant personalization on patient's needs represent limits of AM. Layer-by-layer material deposition and repeated thermal cycles typical of AM may also cause discontinuities between layers affecting implant mechanical features, and its match to the host body. In this paper the mechanical challenges that AM must overcome to replace traditional manufacturing techniques are discussed, in order to better understand whether AM has to be limited to implant personalization for exceptional cases.

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