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Accelerated Characterization of Electrode‐Electrolyte Equilibration

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Long term durability of electrocatalysts is best achieved via equilibration of the electrode and electrolyte. A new high throughput screening instrument is developed to identify self-passivating electrodes and their equilibrium dissolved metals concentrations, revealing a stable metal oxide photoanode for solar fuels applications.


Operational durability is poorly characterized by traditional (photo)electrocatalyst discovery workflows, creating a barrier to scale-up and deployment. Corrosion is a prominent degradation mechanism whose thermodynamics depend on the concentration of corrosion products in electrolyte. We present an automated system for characterizing the equilibration of (photo)electrodes with dissolved metals in electrolyte for a given electrode, pH, and electrochemical potential. Automation of electrode selection, electrolyte preparation, and electrolyte aliquoting enables rapid identification of self-passivating electrodes and estimation of the equilibrium dissolved metals concentrations. The technique is demonstrated for metal oxide photoanodes in alkaline electrolyte, where BiVO4 is found to continually corrode, in agreement the literature. An amorphous Ni−Sb−O photoanode is found to passivate with a Ni-rich coating on the order of 1 monolayer with less than 1 μM total dissolved metals in electrolyte, demonstrating its suitability for durable photoelectrochemical operation. The automation and throughput of the instrument are designed for incorporation in accelerated electrocatalyst discovery workflows so that durability can be considered on equal footing with activity.

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