Biomimetic metalloporphyrin complexes have been employed in a number of catalytic oxidation reactions by utilizing terminal oxidants such as iodosylarenes (ArIO). Although high-valent metal-oxo species have been considered as the reactive intermed...
A Versatile Electrochemical Cell for Operando XAS
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
In situ and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) provides fundamental insight into the working principles of electrocatalysts and is an important tool for future catalyst development. However, the design of an operando XAS electrocatalytic cell is not facile, and researchers designing cells, whether new cells or modifications to previous cells, often spend many hours on cell design before obtaining high-quality XAS data. Here, we describe the design, with engineering drawings, and operation of a versatile XAS cell with options for gas flow, electrolyte flow, pH monitoring, temperature monitoring, and the ability to handle many catalyst forms (any catalyst that can be deposited onto a conductive X-ray transparent substrate). We benchmarked XAS spectra collected using the new experimental cell to a previous cell design showing its ability to produce quality XAS data. We demonstrate the viability of this cell by providing insight into electrocatalysts by studying cation effects and show the tetrabutylammonium cation prevents bulk oxidation of copper. We hope the availability of this cell allows researchers to convert time typically spent on cell design to time spent on breakthroughs in electrocatalysis.
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