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ChemRxiv: Preprint-Publikationen

Gustavo Chaparro · Erich A. Müller

On the continuous modeling of fluid and solid states

Ji Woong Yu · Sebin Kim et al.

Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Water Diffusion Anomalies in Saline Solutions Using Machine Learning Force Field

Jan Speulmanns · Sascha Bönhardt et al.

Interface-Engineered Atomic Layer Deposition of 3D Li4Ti5O12 for High-Capacity Lithium-Ion 3D Thin-Film Batteries

Wei Cao · Jian Wang et al.

Radiotherapy Mediated Catalytic Prodrug Therapy with Higher Radiochemical Conversion than Hydrated Electrons

Gustavo Chaparro · Erich A. Müller

On the continuous modeling of fluid and solid states

Ji Woong Yu · Sebin Kim et al.

Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Water Diffusion Anomalies in Saline Solutions Using Machine Learning Force Field

Jan Speulmanns · Sascha Bönhardt et al.

Interface-Engineered Atomic Layer Deposition of 3D Li4Ti5O12 for High-Capacity Lithium-Ion 3D Thin-Film Batteries

Wei Cao · Jian Wang et al.

Radiotherapy Mediated Catalytic Prodrug Therapy with Higher Radiochemical Conversion than Hydrated Electrons

Tucker Carrington · Robert Wodraszka

Using a pruned basis and a sparse collocation grid with more points than basis functions to do efficient and accurate MCTDH calculations with general potential energy surfaces

Christian Wolfgang Feldmann · Jochen Sieg et al.

MolPipeline : A python package for processing molecules with RDKit in scikit-learn

Marc Nicklaus · Devendra Kumar Dhaked

Tautomeric Conflicts in Forty Small-Molecule Databases

Ashish Garg · Himanshu Mishra et al.

Scaling Laws for Optimal Turbulent Flow in Tree-Like Networks with Smooth and Rough Tubes and Power-Law Fluids

Charles T. Cox Jr. · Reika Shimomura et al.

Conjugation Amplifies Complexity: A Comparison of Problem-Solving Strategies Across the Organic Chemistry Sequence

Syon Schlecht · Emily Gunderson et al.

Aspirin-NHS Ester Mediated Acetylation of Lysine Residues in β-Conglycinin: Implications for Cancer Research in NF-κB