Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Process Intensification by Inoculating Antibody Production Bioreactors Directly from Cryovials

Chemie Ingenieur Technik, März 2024, S. 453-461, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

An approach to eliminate seed train bioreactors for antibody production with CHO cells is presented. An ultra-high cell density cell bank is used for inoculation of fed-batch and perfusion experiments at lab-scale. The fed-batch process is scaled-up to a 50 L bioreactor as proof-of-concept. This approach allows for both time and space saving.


There are several ways to make antibody production processes more efficient and less expensive through process intensification. In this study, an ultra-high cell density working cell bank was used to inoculate production bioreactors directly with cells from cryovials. After lab-scale experiments, a fed-batch pilot-scale experiment was successfully conducted as a proof-of-concept. In addition, cells were cultivated in perfusion mode at 2 L scale. The intensification approach presented here allows the complete elimination of the inoculum production outside the production bioreactor and the creation of additional production capacity by saving time and space. In perfusion mode, an increase in bioreactor productivity of over 180% can be achieved compared to fed-batch mode.

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