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Front Cover: Structural Development of Androgen Receptor Antagonists Using Phenylferrocene Framework as a Hydrophobic Pharmacophore (ChemMedChem 6/2024)

ChemMedChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The Front Cover shows that ferrocene, with its hourglass-shaped structure resembling the shape of the traditional Japanese hand drum “Tsuzumi”, functions as a versatile scaffold for novel androgen receptor modulators that regulate transcription of the target genes. The substitution pattern play a key role in determining the activity mode of the compounds, i.e., agonistic or antagonistic action. More information can be found in the Research Article by Kotaro Ochiai, Ryo Yonezawa and Shinya Fujii.

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